Publication in the Book of abstracts
Accepted abstracts, both for oral communications and for posters, will be considered for the publication in the proceedings of the event, which will consist in a Collection in PeerJ Preprints.
The Proceeding Collection on the workshop NETTAB 2017 “Methods, tools & platforms for Personalized Medicine in the Big Data Era” is being populated here.
No Copyright form or permission is required for the publication of abstracts, since the proceedings won’t be an official publication.
Post-workshop publication
A post workshop Special Issue in an International Journal with IF will be published with best full papers from presentations, both oral and poster, given at the Workshop. A purpose agreement is under discussion with BioMed Central for the publication of Supplements in BMC Bioinformatics and in the Journal of Translation Medicine.
A special Call for papers will be launched shortly after the workshop (planned time presently is early November 2017). A publication fee could be requested for publication of accepted papers because of Open Access policies adopted by many journals.