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List of posters
The following list includes accepted posters ordered by first author surname. A link to the abstract is also included when available in the NETTAB 2017 PeerJ Collection .
See NETTAB 2017 PeerJ Collection for the full list of preprint abstracts, including both oral communications and posters.
Flash poster presentations in PDF will be linked from here, given the agreement of presenters. For available presentations, the icon will be displayed.

P1 Visualizing Mutation Occurrence using Big Data. (see PeerJ Preprint)
Silvana Albert.
P2 A Gene Set Enrichment Analysis of multiomic celiac disease data. (see PeerJ Preprint)
Eugenio Del Prete, Angelo Facchiano and Pietro Liò.
P3 Network diffusion on multiple-layers: current approaches and integrative analysis of Rheumatoid Arthritis data. (see PeerJ Preprint)
Noemi Di Nanni, Matteo Gnocchi, Marco Moscatelli, Luciano Milanesi and Ettore Mosca.
P4 Evolutionary relationships of Microbial Transglutaminases. (see PeerJ Preprint)
Deborah Giordano and Angelo Facchiano.
P5 Exploiting transcriptomic data in genome scale metabolic networks: new insights into obesity. (see PeerJ Preprint)
Ilaria Granata, Mara Sangiovanni, Enrico Troiano and Mario Guarracino.
P6 Implementing a multilayer framework for pathway data integration, analysis and visualization. (see PeerJ Preprint)
Zaynab Hammoud and Frank Kramer.
P8 Querying and analyzing biological data with BioGraph (see PeerJ Preprint).
Antonio Messina, Antonino Fiannaca, Laura La Paglia, Massimo La Rosa and Alfonso Urso.
P10 ISMARA: Completely automated inference of gene regulatory networks from high-throughput data. (see PeerJ Preprint)
Mikhail Pachkov, Piotr Balwierz, Phil Arnold, Andreas Gruber, Mihaela Zavolan and Erik van Nimwegen.
P11 An Algebraic Representation for Tree Alignment of RNA Pseudoknotted Structures. (see PeerJ Preprint).
Michela Quadrini, Luca Tesei and Emanuela Merelli.
P12 Procedure to integrate i2b2 and REDCap: a case study at ICSM (see PeerJ Preprint)
Valentina Tibollo, Mauro Bucalo, Danila Vella, Morena Stuppia, Nicola Barbarini and Riccardo Bellazzi.
P13 Stability Analysis of MTopGO for Module Identification in PPI Networks (see PeerJ Preprint).
Danila Vella, Allan Tucker and Riccardo Bellazzi.
P14 A Quality Management System for scientific research activities and its related management software. (see PeerJ Preprint).
Caruana Luca, Alessandro Pensato, Loredana Riccobono, Giovanna Lucia Liguori, Antonella Lanati, Annamaria Kisslinger, Marta Di Carlo and Antonella Bongiovanni.
P15 A novel shiny platform for the geo-spatial analysis of large amount of patient data (see PeerJ Preprint)
Mario Alesandro Russo, Francesco Guarino, Monica Franzese, Dario Righelli, Giovanni Improta, Claudia Angelini and Maria Triassi.
P16 Detecting significant features in modeling microRNA-target interactions (see PeerJ Preprint)
Claudia Coronnello, Giovanni Perconti, Patrizia Rubino, Flavia Contino, Serena Bivona, Salvatore Feo and Agata Giallongo.
P17 Application of network diffusion approaches to Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC) data: a perspective on integrating multiple layers of information extracted from cell lines and drugs (see PeerJ Preprint)
Vigneshwari Subramanian, Bence Szalai, Luis Tobalina and Julio Saez-Rodriguez.
P18 Distributed stream processing for genomics pipelines (see PeerJ Preprint)
Francesco Versaci, Luca Pireddu and Gianluigi Zanetti.
P19 Automatic simulation of RNA editing in plants for the identification of novel putative Open Reading Frames (see PeerJ Preprint)
Fabio Fassetti, Claudia Giallombardo, Ofelia Leone, Luigi Palopoli, Simona E. Rombo, Pierluigi Ruffolo and Adolfo Saiardi.

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