
The topics of the joint event include the usual topics of NETTAB workshops.
Moreover, an additional hot scientific topic is summed up for this event.

Reproducibility, standards and SOPs in bioinformatics (Special Event Topic)
Bioinformatics methods, algorithms, tools, applications for reproducibility of computational experiments, including:

  • Trends in open science, Open access journals, Open source practices
  • Good programming practices for reproducibility
  • The role of cloud computing in reproducible research
  • Computational tools, such as Sweave, knitr, supporting automatic production of research papers
  • Standard operating procedures (SOP) in bioinformatics
  • Tools, practices, and dissemination platforms for ensuring reproducibility
  • Role of workflow management systems and ontologies in reproducible research
  • Automatic tools for tracking the provenance of data, analyses, and results
  • Data FAIR-ness
  • Bioinformatics standards for models and data
  • (more topics to appear soon)

Bioinformatics Education and Training
Special Session held in collaboration with GOBLET and ELIXIR-ITA, chaired by Terri Attwood and Allegra Via

NETTAB Workshop topics
Bioinformatics methods, standards, tools, applications and experiences deployed over Internet, including:

  • On-line databases, software tools, user interfaces
  • Data integration and data fusion platforms, integrated bio-search
  • Grid and clouds applications and platforms
  • APIs and Web Services, workflow management platforms
  • Semantic tools, biomedical ontologies
  • Semantic Web tools, Linked Open Data, SPARQL endpoints
  • Biological Wikis, social applications for life sciences
  • Tools for collaborative development of software, databases and documents
  • Mobile bioinformatics apps



COST is supported by the
EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020

Conference Secretariat

Meeting Planner srl, Bari, Italy