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NETTAB & IB 2015 “Two-Day Hands-on Tutorial” Event
October 12-13, 2015
Boole and Turing rooms, 3rd floor,
Department of Computer Science, University of Bari, Via E. Orabona 4, Bari (IT)

The NETTAB & IB 2015 Joint Symposium will offer participants the opportunity to attend a “Two-Day Hands-on Tutorial” event, hosted by the Department of Computer Science of the University of Bari, on cutting-edge methods and approaches to key issues in bioinformatics analysis of omics data.

The computational services has been exploited on the IT resources made available by ReCaS, a project financed by the MIUR (Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research) in the “PON Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013 – Azione I – Interventi di rafforzamento strutturale” PONa3_00052 Avviso 254/Ric., in collaboration with INFN-Bari.


Tutorials will be held in parallel sessions on October 12-13, 2015, according to the following programme.

  Monday October 12, 2015 Tuesday October 13, 2015
  Room 1 Room 2 Room 1 Room 2
10:00 – 13:00 Tutorial A Tutorial D Tutorial B
14:30 – 17:30 Tutorial A
Tutorial C
(first edition)
Tutorial D
Tutorial C
(second edition)
EMBnet tutorial grants
EMBnet has granted 10 free tutorial registrations for young researchers and students attending the meeting.
In order to select the winner, the following rules will apply:

  1. applicants must be younger than 35 years old and co-author of an abstract submitted within September 14 (all categories apply)
  2. applicants must send their request by email to nettab.ib.2015@gmail.com within September 14
  3. the request must include the following information: i) full name, ii) date of birth, iii) affiliation, iv) title of the abstract, v) group leader contact information
  4. only one request can be granted per abstract and per affiliation
  5. the grants will be assigned by ranking requests according to the following evaluations: i) type of contributions (oral communications have priority over posters), ii) evaluation score of the abstract, iii) applicant’s date of birth

Conference Secretariat

Meeting Planner srl, Bari, Italy
Web: http://www.meeting-planner.it/
Email: info@meeting-planner.it