Submissions are welcome for oral communications, for posters and for software demonstrations.
Abstracts for oral communications, posters and software demonstrations must be submitted through EasyChair at for the proper evaluation.
Accepted abstracts must then be revised and resubmitted for inclusion in the Proceedings.
No Copyright form or permission is required for abstracts, since proceedings won’t be officially published.
Authors of all abstracts presented at the workshop, both as oral communication, poster and software demo, will be invited to a Call for papers that will select best scientific contributions from the event for a Special Issue in an International Journal with IF.
Instructions for authors of abstracts
- page size: A4; all margins: 2cm; paragraphs justified; single line spacing
- font: Arial (or Helvetica); sizes: title 14pts; authors’ names 11pts; affiliations 10pts; section headings 12pts; body text 11pts; bibliography 10pts
- length: max 4 pages for oral communications and 2 pages for posters and software demos
- sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions (omit for posters and software demos), References
- tables and figures: include one per type, only when needed
An example file of the resulting format is available.
Templates for MS Word and LaTeX (renamed as txt for security reasons) are available.
Instructions for the preparation of posters
The maximum poster size is A1 in portrait format, i.e. 84,1 cm (height) x 59,4 cm (width).
Note that posters will be displayed on a limited number of panels: it is essential that all posters are printed in the appropriate format.
Presenters are invited to attend their poster when possible and to leave their contact information near to the poster.