Submission of full papers is now closed.
Submissions are welcome for oral communications, for posters and for softare demo. For oral communications, both full papers and structured abstracts may be submitted.
Full papers must be submitted through EasyChair. If selected, they will published by the Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics as proceedings of the event before it is run. Prior to submission, carefully check JIB instructions to authors.
Abstracts for oral communications and for posters must be submitted through EasyChair. They will only be considered for the publication in the book of abstracts of the event, that will be made available to participants only: it won’t be published in the web site. No Copyright form or permission is required for abstracts, since the book of abstracts won’t be an official publication.
Authors of all abstracts presented at the joint event, both as oral communication and as poster, will be invited to a Call for papers that will select best scientific contributions from the event for a BMC Bioinformatics Supplement. Papers published in the JIB won’t be taken into account.
Instructions for authors of abstracts
- page size: A4; all margins: 2cm; paragraphs justified; single line spacing
- font: Arial; sizes: title 14pts; authors’ names 11pts; affiliations 10pts; section headings 12pts; body text 11pts; bibliography 10pts
- lenght max 4 pages for oral communications and 2 pages for posters and software demos
- sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions (omit for posters and software demos), References
- tables and figures: include one per type, only when strictly needed
An example file of the resulting format is available here:
A template for MS Word is available.
Download the following file: NETTAB-IB-2015_quickTemplateForPosterAbstracts.docx.