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A post workshop Supplement will be published by BMC Bioinformatics

BioMed Central (BMC) agreed to publish a post workshop Supplement with best full papers from presentations, both oral and poster, given at NETTAB 2014.

A special Call for papers will be launched after the workshops (planned time presently is mid of January 2015). Authors will be asked to contribute a quote of ca. 980 £.

An Editorial Board will be defined, starting from the members of the scientific committee of NETTAB 2014.
Each submission will be assigned to a member of the editorial board who will act as associated editor.
Associated editors will invite at least three referees at an international level and will take the first decision, that will be one of accept / reject / revision required.
Possible revised papers will be assessed by the associated editor, who can ask the referees for one further review.

Tweets from @NETTABWorkshops
