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Registration information

How to register:

  1. Check the workshop fees and available reduction options here below, determine the amount you should pay, including the social dinner fee
  2. Pay the total fee either by credit card or by bank transfer (see instructions below) and retrieve a payment code
  3. Fill in the registration form

Registration fees

  Early registration Late registration On-site registration
Students 150.00 € 200.00 € 250.00 €
Academic 250.00 € 300.00 € 350.00 €
Industry 400.00 € 500.00 € 700.00 €
Early registration deadline is set to July 31, 2014.
NEW! Early registration deadline has been extended until September 15, 2014.

On-line registration is open until October 1, 2014.
Social dinner fee is 30.00 € for participants and 40.00 € for accompanying persons.

All fees include: attendance to tutorials and scientific sessions, a printed copy of the book of abstracts, coffee-breaks and lunches for both the tutorial and workshop days.
Fees do not include: social dinner.

A discount of 30.00 Euro will be applied to:

  • members of BITS – Bioinformatics Italian Society,
  • members of ISCB – International Society for Computational Biology, *
  • members of EMBnet – The Global Bioinformatics network,
  • members of SIB-ISB – Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics,
  • members of NBIC – Netherlands Bioinformatics Center,
  • members of PTBI – Polish Bioinformatics Society,
  • members of SIGBio – ACM SIG on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Biomedical Informatics,
  • members of ReLiB – Rete Ligure di Bioinformatica,
  • researchers of the University of Torino,
  • researchers of the IRCCS AOU San Martino IST,
  • NETTAB Workshops past speakers,
  • members of the workshop Programme Committee.

* NB! ISCB members paying a registration fee which is higher than 300.00 € are allowed a 10% discount on the fee, instead of the fixed amount of 30.00 €.
E.g., early registration fee for ISCB members from Industry is 360.00 €, the applied discount being the 10% of the basic fee of 400.00 €.

NETTAB 2014 is an Affiliated Conference of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). If you are not a member of this Society yet, you are warmly invited to join ISCB today and take advantage of the member discount.

The discount can be applied for members of further supporting Institutes, Societies and projects. If you are interested, email to nettab2014 at di.unito.it .

Payment instructions
You can pay the registration fee either by credit card or by bank transfer, according to the following instructions. Define the total amount to be paid by checking above fees.


  • Make your payment through the FORB online payment form.
  • The ‘Motivation’ must be: “NETTAB2014 <name surname> <category> <reduction>”
    NETTAB2014 is a fixed text,
    <name surname> refers to the registrant name,
    <category> is one among Student / Academic / Industry,
    <reduction> is one among BITS / ISCB / EMBNET / SIB / NBIC / UNITO/ PTBI / SIGBIO / RELIB / USMI/ PC / KEYNOTE (must be omitted when none reduction applies),
    Example: NETTAB2014 Paolo Romano Academic ISCB
  • Take note of the payment/receipt number that is returned at the end of the procedure and insert it in the ‘Payment code’ field of the registration form.


  • Give your bank the following bank account data:
    Bank: Banca Prossima
    Branch: Filiale 05000
    Account number: 10185
    Account owner: Fondazione per la Ricerca Biomedica ONLUS
    IBAN: IT 11 W 03359 01600 1000 0001 0185
    ABI: 03359 – CAB: 01600 – CIN: W
    Cause: NETTAB2014 Name Surname Category Reduction
    NB! The Cause has the same format as the Motivation in the payment by credit card.
  • Send a copy of your payment order by fax or email to:
    Fondazione per la Ricerca Biomedica ONLUS
    Via Nizza 52, Torino, Italy
    Fax: +39-011-6706432
    Email: forb at unito.it .

For any needed clarification or further information, please email to nettab2014 @ di.unito.it .

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